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5 Reasons to Choose
composite tile roofing

Double Roman Composite Roof Tile

Being a homeowner can be overwhelming at times. Maintaining a home takes organization, skill, money and time. In today’s busy world, we’re constantly looking for new ways to save time & money.

One of the most important parts of maintaining the exterior of your home involves maintaining your roof. In the past, there wasn’t as vast a number of roofing options as there are today. Composite roofing is a great option for individuals who want the authentic tile or slate look without the hassle of installing or maintaining it.

  1. It’s lightweight for any roof. Composite roofing tile is so lightweight that it is not necessary to reinforce a roof like you would need to do with traditional slate or concrete/clay tile. Removing this step speeds up installation time. This also means that there will be less stress on the roof when its covered in snow and/or ice.

  2. It’s strong and durableNot interested in replacing your roof so often? Composite roofing is a long-lasting alternative. Plus, Quarrix Composite Roofing offers a 50-year warranty. Composite roofing products are made from High Density Polyethylene, making them more durable than traditional clay roofing products. There is less breakage and waste than traditional roof tiles. Plus, composite tile can be stepped on, which causes fewer headaches than a roof that can’t be walked on.

  3. Superior climate performance. Composite roofing products perform well under high UV light and low temperatures. Composite roofing materials can withstand a wide range of weather, from sub-zero temperatures to relentless heat and sun exposure.

  4. Architectural Appeal. Composite roofing tiles are made to look just like authentic clay and slate roof tiles without the weight and hefty price. Similar to traditional clay roofing tiles, composite roofing is available in a variety of colors. Find out how different color combinations look by using the Quarrix Building Product’s Interactive Roof Designer.

  5. Complete System. Composite Tile and Quarrix system solution of tile accessories (Tile Ridge VentTile FlashingTile BattensFurring Strips and High-Low Roofing Screws) ship complete to the job site to easily finish the roof’s authentic appearance.


Today’s homeowners have more choices than ever. Choosing wisely will save you time and money in the long run. Ready to find a Quarrix composite tile dealer? Use our dealer locator.

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